“No matter how hard I tried, there was little financial change. I worked hard but had to make ends meet for years. I had no idea that it was my own beliefs and energy that were getting in the way. It’s incredible how simple it could be, in hindsight. Thank you so much, Bianca, for lovingly confronting me with my own role and responsibility.”

With warm regards, Inge.

Bianca is a very special woman. You can immediately feel her wealth of experience and knowledge. She is warm, loving, and gets straight to the core. Her genuine guidance creates a safe space to feel the emotions that need to be felt. Clarifying, illuminating, and expansive! I wholeheartedly recommend a session with Bianca”

Best regards, Marieke (Coach and Therapist)

“I was drowning in my daughter’s problems, feeling completely drained. I saw and experienced her as an extension of myself. You made me realize that there are three types of matters. It took some time to sink in, but what a liberation. Thank you for your loving patience and confrontation.”

Best regards, Gilda

“If there’s someone who has done a lot of research and challenged herself in various ways to grow in authentic living, it’s Bianca. With her vast experience, knowledge, and pure intuition, she can repeatedly bring me back to myself. She provides me with numerous insights that help me align with what feels right for me. The path of shadow work and self-realization is an exploration. Thank you, dear Bianca, for inspiring me and helping me grow.”

Best regards, Dianne (Therapist and Energy Worker)

“I had never heard of transpersonal work before. I had seen many coaches and had numerous sessions before I came to you. It seemed like I just couldn’t make progress. After the session with you, I feel lighter and joyful again. Today, I caught myself walking around the house with a smile, something I can’t remember doing in a long time. I never knew a session could work so quickly and powerfully. I have regained confidence in myself, and thank you for making me realize that I am responsible for my happiness.”

Love, Marie-Louise

“I wasn’t feeling well, I was on Workers Compensation, and my financial situation was poor. I could hardly get out of bed and my life felt aimless. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the financial means for a session with Bianca, but she had a solution. I participated in several online lectures and group sessions with her, for a small fee, along with other people. My life has completely changed since then. I’m back to work, full of energy, and feeling joyful. My financial situation has greatly improved. I’m so grateful to her. My perspective on life and myself has been forever transformed. She has shown me and allowed me to experience a whole different world beyond this physical reality. I’m 48 years old and had never heard of it before; I still wonder why we don’t learn about this in school. It would make a significant difference. Thank you, Bianca, for everything you have helped me realize.”

Love, Saskia

“The word “meditation” used to make me cringe. I always thought it was something airy-fairy, not for me. I completely changed my mind, thanks to you for allowing me to experience its depth. I feel like a different person, and even people around me have noticed the difference.”

Best regards, Mark