For companies
Sickness absence, sick notifications, burnouts, interpersonal disputes, wage garnishments, lack of engagement, underperforming employees, job hoppers… The great fear of every employer! Whether it’s personal circumstances, social situations, or relational issues, when employees become overwhelmed, it affects their performance and leads to absenteeism.
The business world loses approximately 18 billion euros annually due to absenteeism. Moreover, most employers significantly underestimate the costs associated with absenteeism.
The estimated wage payment to employees amounts to 13.3 billion euros annually. For work-related absenteeism, this figure reaches over 6 billion euros each year, with over 60% attributed to psychosocial complaints. Additionally, absenteeism due to mental health issues has never been higher. Stress and burnout rates are higher than ever before. Perhaps it’s time for a different perspective and approach!
From survival mode to living mode, here we have space and clarity again.
Full Self-expression is the foundation for a fulfilling and meaningful life, for more resilience, vitality & happiness.
Employee Well-being Offerings
- Absenteeism, absenteeism prevention, sustainable employability, trust issues
- Guidance for reintegration
- Guidance for reorganization and transition
- Stress reduction & Burnout
- Personal development
- Awareness & transformation (Awareness and transformation of own behavioral patterns and emotional blocks)
- Trauma healing
- Personal issues and life lessons
- Insight into chronic complaints
Interactive lectures
- The Power of Love & Connection
- Creative Productivity from the Heart
- Personal Leadership & Human Potential
- From surviving to Thriving
- Happiness & Vitality
- Resilient and Healthy
*Interactive lectures can be fully tailored to needs and requests.
Characteristic of interactive lectures is that they are not only informative and educational, but also focused on experiencing and participating! Further information can be found in employee wellbeing, methodology and pricing sections.